Red Rock Canyon
This area lies just a few miles outside Las Vegas, it's stunning, quite stunning. Most of Arizona is miles upon vast miles of flat nothingness, and then mountains suddenly rise up like those in a child's painting, up and down with sharp peaks and none of the rolling foothills that we would expect at home.
The red stone has a tiny fraction of iron ore in it which gives the stone it's red colouring.
The next holiday we have we have agreed that I can bring my hiking gear and go off by myself for a day, I was yearning for it all the time we were in Arizona, there is some wonderful wild country to wander across.
I know that a lot of folk would be quite content just to see this fromthe safety of their air conditioned 4WD, but I would love to out there amongst the scrub and rocks and cacti, it is so beautiful. I hope the people that live close to this appreciate what they have got.
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