It Lives
I'm back up and running on the proper address.
It was the fault of my web hosts who say that my ftp password 'had become corrupt', right, whatever that means. In fact I'm going to try that next time someone complains about how long it has taken their dinner to arrive, "I'm sorry Sir, but your order has become corrupt."
Right, back over to Yorkshiresoul dot org it is then.
It was the fault of my web hosts who say that my ftp password 'had become corrupt', right, whatever that means. In fact I'm going to try that next time someone complains about how long it has taken their dinner to arrive, "I'm sorry Sir, but your order has become corrupt."
Right, back over to Yorkshiresoul dot org it is then.
Labels: blogging
Nice blog. Mine is
YS. I don't know if you know but your main bog a offline this morning.
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